Click on the SSLI links below to obtain coverage information including eligibility, benefits, limitations, exclusions and rates.
New York Life
Group Term Life Insurance
Provides basic group life insurance to help guard members under age 60, lawful spouses and dependent children. Coverage amounts up to $20,000 for member and spouse and up to $15,000 for dependent children coverage available.
Military Benefit Association
Group Life Insurance Policy
MBA was founded by military personnel to help secure the financial future of military families. You are eligible to apply if on your coverage effective date, you are under age 69 and a member of the National Guard and/or a member of the National Guard Association.
Uniformed Services Benefit Association
10 Year Group Level Term Life Insurance
Coverage available in a full range of benefit amounts, starting at $25,000 to a maximum of $500,000. You decide the amount that best suits your family's financial needs.
Uniformed Services Benefit Association
15 Year Group Level Term Life Insurance
Coverage available in a full range of benefit amounts, starting at $25,000 to a maximum of $500,000. You decide the amount that best suits your family's financial needs.